Tuesday, January 31, 2006

We've already surrended to evil. His name is Bush

Number of "Oh shit, I lost my place on the teleprompter" looks: 32

Number of times that Bush looked pleased with himself for nailing such large words as "infiltration" and "al-Zarqawi": 10

Number of times Bush made Stratego-like references to "winning": 26

Number of times he butchered the shit out of simple words (such as terrorist, essential, talking, war, feed, etc.): Too many to mention

References to "evil": What segment didn't include a reference to evil?

Number of times Bush proposed taking away your civil liberties in order to promote "freedom": Subliminally? At least once every two minutes.

Number of times Bush referenced something truthful about education in America: 0

Number of rudimentary, go-us-we're-great-rah-rah-rah-we're-the-world-leader speeches that were on every major station this evening: Just 1

The great people of the United States who have an IQ of less than 75 are assuaged.


Roxy said...

Yeah well, I was sick and didn't want to get up to retrieve the remote.

Besides, it is my civic duty to criticize him and I needed to watch to make sure that he didn't actually say something worth hearing.

And I enjoyed the Dems response. Oh, and the Dems outright in-your-face applause when Bush mentioned that the Dems didn't pass his health care initiative. The blatant disrespect was palpable!

TrappedInColorado said...

Right FUCKIING on, Roxy!!! When we are wiretapped because of our obvious terrorists ties due to our blantant disgust with that pile of human excrement we call the prez let's try to get adjoining jail cells!


Unknown said...

you forgot the reference(s) to animal-man hybrids! (otherwise PERFECT)

Rory Shock said...

re: the last comment about hybrids, check out the news about the killing fields in Crawford, TX. And for the crimes you mentioned an intergalactic warrant for brain rape was issued.

Andy Land said...

A-MEN, Roxy! He's such a tool and the morons that believe his crap, sadly, are allowed to vote, breed, etc.

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Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!