Sunday, September 11, 2005

Roxy's World

Roxy will resume posting when she has had some time to sort out her priorities, get out of her funk, and when she thinks she actually has something to share that isn't trite or regurgitated.


jemmy said...

That's like a total deja vu for why I haven't posted on mine in a while.

Roxy said...

I'm lacking inspiration...

Buckmoth said...

One comment deserves another...
I know the funk, it will pass eventually, and if it doesn't oh well. You are entitled to it.

My thoughts are with your aunt and her life in NOLA. I know the feeling.

Ross said...

Take as long as you need oh and thanx on the congrats about RGB's 3 months

Anonymous said...

uh. get over it, take an upper- i can send you some if you need them :) how can i waste time at work when i have nothing to read?

Roxy said...

mmmm - uppers. i await my package.

actually, I plan on getting shitfaced this weekend to get over myself a little. when therapy doesn't work, booze does.

as we used to say when we went to Sharky's, Molly, I plan to "Drink Through It!"

About Me

Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!