Sunday, April 15, 2007

and now we wait for the oops

3 months ago
roxy: let's have a baby. you know, a little of you and a little of me all mushed together?
roxy's husband: no baby. well, maybe in 2020.
roxy: my eggs are shriveling.
husband: then we'll build it in a test tube in 2020.

a week ago
husband: let's have a baby.
roxy: no.
husband: i'm ready now.
roxy: you do realize it's first word will either be "fuck" or "martini," right?
husband: no, it'll be "playstation."
roxy: this is exactly why we shouldn't have children.

last night
husband: i want a little person.
roxy: a little person?
husband: a baby.
roxy: crap.
husband: no a baby.
roxy: you do realize that while I may talk tough, i really will be the most conservative and overbearing mother alive, right?
husband: yes.
roxy: ok.


Suprise! said...


my little meesh is growing up and getting ready to grow a person...


sure you don't just want me to send you my kids for a few weeks?

Roxy said...

while your kids are both perfect and beautiful, i think eventually you'd miss them. besides, i'd just encourage your little angry foreigner to pop out and scream "i kill you" to everyone i meet.

Kevin said...

i was not of sound mind when i made these statements. i was drunk or drugged or somehow at a loss of my faculties and can not be held liable.

Suprise! said...

MMB, I made two children while not of sound mind - you can do it, too!

Roxy said...

and look how beautifully they turned out...

About Me

Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!