Monday, June 12, 2006


Buying airline tickets to Cologne with side dishes of Berlin, Prague, and Paris: ~ $2,300 American

Spending two weeks touring castles, museums, assorted attractions, and more cathedrals than I can remember: ~$500 American

Spending an evening at the theatre for 4 in Berlin: $300 American

Exploring wonderful, sexy, local, delicious food (including the wonderful, local, delicious wine and beer): ~$1500 American

Imbibing a Coca-Cola at a sidewalk cafe near Notre Dame: $7 American

Finding ice cubes in that Coca-Cola: Priceless


Greg said...

Have I mentioned recently how much you suck?

When are you going to post pictures, Evil One?

Roxy said...

Probably by Thursday...

Did I mention it was blissful?

About Me

Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!