Monday, August 14, 2006

For them, it's us

On my way to work this morning, NPR was covering the UN cease-fire plan and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from south Lebanon. I started thinking about Hezbollah.

How are these people acceptable in society? I thought to myself. I felt myself getting angry, turning nationalist. Why are they allowed to do this? Why doesn't someone do something?

And the voices grew louder in my head.

Someone should round them up and kill them.

This thought - this toxic thought - swirled in my brain drowning the soft, internal voice that asked why should any kind of killing be sanctioned? and failed to remind me that I don't believe in killing or war as an answer to a problem.

And I thought of the innocents that are affected by this fighting until everything in me was screaming KILL THE BAD MEN!

And I paused as the realization washed over me...

This is what the innocent Iraqis think about the American soldiers who are abusing their positions. This is what the Muslims in this nation are experiencing when other Americans are attacking them for their beliefs.

This is how Americans are seen throughout the world.

And, sadly, with good reason.


Greg said...

I think the innocent Iraqis are wondering why they have an apostrophe in their designation. Aren't you an English teacher or something?

As much as I despise the war in Iraq, I have to think Hezbollah is worse. They are dedicated to one thing - destruction. Yes, the Americans have abused their position in Iraq, but they aren't dedicated to completing destroying Iraqi society. One would hope the Iraqis could see that.

But you're right. Of course, crazy war-monger conservatives would tell you that WE'RE doing it for their own good. I mean, come on, can't you see the distinction, woman?

Roxy said...

crap - didn't even notice the dumb apostrophe. bad roxy.

didn't notice the distinction either. really, i still don't.

About Me

Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!