Tuesday, August 15, 2006

fear, terror, evil-doers, freedom, blah, blah, blah, and other such words in our great Wag The Dog marketing campaign

finally, someone points out that our obsession with the little things takes away focus from the big things. which, in my opinion, is what is wrong with most people today. if we weren't blowing the small stuff out of proportion, the big picture could be addressed.

read this great article.

a snippet:

"US NOW: BE AFRAID!! Oh God, the Brown Bad people could strike any moment! They could strike ... NOW!! AHHHH. Okay, how about .. NOW!! AAGAGAHAHAHHAG! Quick, do whatever we tell you, and believe whatever we tell you, or YOU WILL BE KILLED BY BROWN PEOPLE!! PUT DOWN THAT SIPPY CUP!!"

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Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!