Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pixie Stick Sandwiches

Next time I get a craving, I will close my office door so my ever-critical, always sarcastic office assistant doesn't come in to see me hovered over my styrofoam plate carefully squeezing sticky grape jelly from the tiny rectangular plastic box onto my delicious chicken tortilla wrap lunch.

What Ally Sheedy did as Allison Reynolds in The Breakfast Club was far more grody.


Greg said...

When I was in high school some friends of mine and I used to snort Pixi Stix. They were cheaper than drugs. Didn't give you the same sensation, though. There is no shame is squeezing grape jelly onto a chicken wrap. Do it in front of all!

Ross said...

Sounds tasty

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Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!