Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm doing just fine...Haiku?

Such an open joy!
A full, orange moon in July
Makes me possible.


Suprise! said...

early morning light
kids playing loud x-box games
sometimes things feel right

boy and dog and growl
lucy likes i sit on her
i think not mr man

Roxy said...

We must start our haikus once again. We have good haikus together. Then again, even if they weren't good, who cares? We like them!

My favorite one that you wrote is still with me -

Red flower
Growing wild and free
Why not me?

Although, is that technically a haiku? Ahh. It is a Keiko Rule haiku.

Whatever, it's fucking brilliant no matter what rule.

Jodysattva speaks
The world moans
Literary song!

Suprise! said...

Master Poets, we
spewing forth our strong fine verse
or perhaps it's crap

we should totally write haiku for a living, yo

Roxy said...

Haiku writers, Yes!
Start sending us cold hard cash
Then we'll rule the world.

About Me

Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!