Sunday, June 03, 2007

I'm feeling a little bit cheated...

by tonight's Sopranos.

Anyone else feel this way?

Apparently it only takes 50 minutes to down two men and a Ukranian. WTF?

As for Anthony Jr., get a grip you fuckin' pussy.

And was that the last hurrah for Dr. Melfi? Kind of anticlimatic, don't you think? Though I did love the part where she was reading about sociopathic behaviour... it reminded me again that Tony is NOT a guy I want to know - even though the entire show makes him seem like someone I do want to know...

After the past few incredible episodes, this is what they leave us with on the second to last one?


Update 1: I have no life. And neither do these folks.

Update 2: Lys, if you are reading this and watch the Sopranos, I'd like to know if Tony reminds you of anyone we mutually knew (think sociopath, evil, charming...)


Unknown said...


If they gip us from the last 10 minutes of the finaly I'm gonna get all Sopranos on their ass and fly someone in from Italy to take care of the execs at HBO!

On the other hand...I found it fitting that Bobby got offed while purchasing a model train. Actually it made me laugh. Is that wrong?

Roxy said...

No - not wrong. As Amu pointed out though she thought that when they talked about sending over the "boys" from Italy, she thought we would see Furio again. I must admit, I thought so too.

And yes, very fitting that Bobby was offed while making a train purchase. And I was horrified and laughed at the same time.

I'm pissed about Syl though...

Unknown said...

and I just learned the big gun in bed was The gun Bobby gave him on his birthday.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking this am as well- Bobby is (as far as I can remember) the only whacked guy who Tony has actually thought about after he died. (He had that
flash of them on the boat in upstate NY together- which, honestly, is where Tony should have gone to hide out. But, I digress. . . .)

Why does Bobby's death bug Tony so much, to the point where he takes his b-day present gun to bed with him? Maybe because, like AJ, Bobby was never cut out to be or meant for this life. I seem to remember that Bobby's old man was a killer and either died in a car
accident or of a heart attack after a hit.

But Bobby was never in the business till Tony brought him in - remember Phil's boys mentioned that Bobby used to be Uncle Junior's driver?? That's all Bobby
was ever meant to be or was ever good for - to be Uncle Junior's errand boy.

Now, I think Janice has some responsibility here too - if she'd never sunk her claws into Bobby and married him, Tony would have never felt the need to bring
Bobby up through the organization. Not that she'd ever admit that. :)

So, where does it end? I can't see Tony getting out of this one- Paulie is his most reliable guy left?? Paulie, who Tony knows told Johnny Sack the fat jokes about his wife and who Tony almost threw off a boat in Miami a few weeks ago because he told one old story too many??? I don't think Paulie will betray Tony now though- since everyone else is gone, his stock will obviously rise.

What do you think?

Roxy said...

Roxy said...
I love the piece about the gun - I didn't think about that at first. I was thinking more of the fact that while many people take a book to bed, he takes an assault weapon.

I still have no freakin' clue how they are going to wrap it up in 1 hour.

It better be the full hour, goddamnit!

Anonymous said...

I don't watch it (don't beat me with a stick)

Craig does...and I've seen a I can see the resemblance between Tony and OC.... cold and calculated, dark and corrupted...but still so pathetic you almost feel sorry for him.

Roxy said...

You don't watch it? I won't beat you, but for crying out loud Lys you of all people would totally appreciate the wit and dark humor of this...

I guess the pathetic part helps the sociopath get laid ;+)

Anonymous said...

The wit I like...if it were all therapy sessions with coldcuts I'd be all about it. It's the DDD (ie: drugs, death and dismemberment) so close to bedtime that I don't like. I have enough trouble sleeping. I do watch Entourage though .....(hug it out). Now THAT'S a good show. It's just so freakin short!

Roxy said...

Ok, I give you that. Given my regular insomnia the Sopranos gives me something to think about while I'm awake.

Last night I reflected on the fact that I have spent way too much of my life in love with sociopaths and/or mental cases. ;+)

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Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!