Tuesday, May 23, 2006


My dear friends at Moojuice Records in Scotland have just launched some amazing music here in the United States.

Log on immediately and purchase these CD's. No excuses people. They will knock your socks off. For those of you flailing around in our pathetically poppy American Music Scene*, this is a welcome respite:

Keith Anderson
Scottish Enlightenment
Craig Rennie

Check out the artists - their profiles and a podcast are available on the website.

You also must click on the "Radio Moo" link and listen. Every song has amazing vocal and instrumental elements. (Roxy's favorite is "Turning Back to You" by Keith Anderson. It makes her feel like someone slammed her in the chest with reality.)

Stay tuned to the Moojuice site for future releases. While you're there, sign up for news and information delivered directly to your inbox!

Most of you know that I don't promote music, books, politics, and/or whatever unless it plucks my heartstrings. If you visit Moojuice and support the site, I guaran-fricken-tee you that you will not be disappointed**.

*yes, i know there are many fantastic american musicians as well. unfortunately the things that get popular for the most part are crap***.

**just let me know if you aren't completely satisfied and i'll reimburse you with a big "you don't know what you're talking about" on my blog.

***if it's not scottish, it's crap.

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About Me

Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!