Tuesday, December 13, 2005

tuesday wednesday thursday friday

Ok, show of hands, who is actually working right now? Well, if you are reading this, you aren't working so put your goddamn hand down.

As you can see, Roxy isn't working either. She's making her naughty list so she can give nice presents, dreaming of a white Christmas, looking forward to seeing the giant Yule log in Washington DC, and remembering that despite her tribulations (and her bad mood as of late), she's an incredibly lucky girl.

Roxy's wish for you is to be surrounded by wonderful things this season, and year round. Roxy also hopes that no matter what (or if) you celebrate, that you remember there are always people in desperate need (no matter what time of year) and that you give what you can to others.


Unknown said...

every once in a while i get into a self-pitying mood. i immedialy stop myself and think how really very lucky i am. a couple of years ago i was sitting at the bar of my friend's pub (see i AM lucky, i have a dear friend who owns a pub!). i wasn't getting smashed or anything but i sure was feeling mighty sorry for myself about something or other. the door was open and it was raw and raining out. after a while i saw a man in a wheel chair go by. it was a manual wheelchair and he was getting wet. however, he had his head upturned and into the rain and the BIGGEST DAMN SMILE ON HIS FACE I HAVE EVER SEEN. i felt like such an asshole. here i was able to use both of my legs, having a car to drive and feeling sorry for myself. i stopped that right quick!

Roxy said...

I'm a firm believer in moping for a minute, then getting back up and telling myself to cut it out...

excellent comment, a rose is a rose...

About Me

Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!