Monday, April 11, 2005

Days Like Today...

On days like today, I wonder what will happen to them.

I wonder if they'll ever realize - they command destiny. Will they grow to be people who make excuses? Is it too late to lose their memorized mantras? (i can't do this because... it isn't my fault... blame my mom...i don't have to think - i'll just shoot my mouth off - or i'll shoot my gun...)

I wonder who will tell them they're loved.

I wonder if they will learn. Will they soak up knowledge or will they drop out - of school, of life? Will they reach their young arms to the sky to gather a new spark, a new idea? Will they imprison themselves in ignorance? When they are gray and aged, will their eyes reflect passion or death?

On days like today, I want to open the doors to their future - say, "wake the hell up and know yourself" and tell them that it is okay to fail, as long as they know they can succeed. Look in the mirror - who are you in 5 years? By the time you are 30?

They laugh - they'll never age. They think teachers are old, were never young. We never did stupid things like steal the car and pick up our friends for joyrides even though we didn't have a license. We never drank alcohol from shampoo bottles smuggled from some mom's liquor cabinet. We didn't ditch school, dye our hair, or tell the world to fuck off at the top of our lungs. We never did anything. We were born old. Yeah, right.

We laugh - enjoy your youth. Embrace it. Remember it. But plan for tomorrow. If you don't learn and grow and take responsibility for yourself, your gut will burn with rage and any hope you have will die in the dust.

On days like today, your teacher wants to remind you to make a better tomorrow. Believe in your future, no matter what is held in your past.


Anonymous said...

great blog ms. m but, where is the rest??? just kidding! you have life! just like me.

Roxy said...

I am assuming that is Yazzle's comment... I have a year of blog written-- time for you to catch up!

see you at prom!

Anonymous said...

yes its yazlle!! but i rather be anonymous. well i wanna know whats going on in 2005 not 2004! i cant wait to see you at prom!!

About Me

Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!