Friday, April 16, 2004

Meth Labs and Bomb Threats

All the lights are on, but nobody is home. It's 1 AM and an eerie glow is climbing over our fence washing the backyard in soft pools of light. I keep expecting to see a face in their backyard, outside our window. But they are all gone.

We watched them on Channel 3 today. They were led away in handcuffs, their slate eyes showing no emotion. Their kids' toys showed traces of PCP, LSD and heroin. Two little boys compromised.

The news showed the line of assault rifles on the front lawn. Bettina and I chat about the clinking sounds we heard every night while sitting under the lemon tree. I wonder what would have happened if the Meth lab exploded.

Or if our school exploded.

The Meth lab bust in the house behind us comes riding the coat-tails of the bomb threat our school received from a deranged student this past Wednesday. He promised to "go Columbine" on us, according to one child. The police were waiting for him.

I think, someday, he will implode.

About Me

Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!