Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Rage against the dying of our rights

This is not the United States
From my friend Amy. I just can't write anything myself at this point.

Hi Mich,

I don't understand. I really, truly don't. How can the American public be so stupid as to buy into this culture of fear that Bush has been selling?

Not to mention those lovely ultraconservative senators who were elected (sample positions - no abortions under any circumstances, single mothers shouldn't be teaching our children).

Roe v. Wade is dead.

The environment and ourc ountry's fiscal future is dying.

I told Paul last night I don't want to live in this country anymore, and actually suggested we go toFinland, or maybe Canada. Want to join us?

Love, Amu

Also - check out this site:

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Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!