Friday, February 13, 2004

As Marna Says, "A Girl Has Gotta Eat"

First and foremost, let me say that I met my January quota for dates. There will be no more this month because I just don't think I can handle it.

Tonight, I went out with "Shaggy" who goes by said name as his first name is Daniel and he hates when people shorten it to Dan or Danny.

I will not bore you with background information except to say that it takes a LOT to get me to go out with someone that I barely know so I thought I was being selective.

Shaggy, aka "Duck Boy" as Jodi calls him (because he wanted to meet at a duck pond), isn't ugly by any stretch and was very timely. He brought yellow roses (actually slightly impressed by that) in a vase (?!?) and chocolate (can we say overkill?).

We chatted at the duck pond for a while and it was slightly awkward so we decided to do dinner at a cute little German restaurant in Old Town Glendale (for you out-of-towners, just picture a cute little antique district with lights in the trees and brick walkways). Of course, since the restaurant is closed on Mondays (DOH!) I chose to stop at the Quiznos in order to minimize my walk time in the nippy Arizona air (yes, it was slightly chilly tonight).

I'm thinking we do a quick dinner and hopefully manage to chat a little. At that point I felt like I had run out of topics of conversation as he wanted to talk about himself and his theories and his past and the fact that he speaks fluent German (did you know that bierfucher is a German insult for a man and literally implies that a man has a small penis and can fit it in the rim of a beer bottle? Good to know. I'll skip the part about the band Rammstein and his theories behind their heavy-industrial metal songs.)

So, because he is such a "mental giant," (yes, that is what he calls himself) we were able to talk about logic and his theories about how
logical arguments are impenatrable no matter who is delivering said arguments. There are flaws with that logic so I bring up a few arguments. But guess what? He realizes he isn't talking about himself so that didn't last long.

We get our food and he wants to say grace - he's Catholic. I'm ok with that. He is also very conservative (politically and fashionably) and starts to talk about his conservative nature. I bring up the point that he has 4 earrings in his left ear and he brings up the point that he has 9 tattoos. 9???

Ok, so you know I gotta see these suckers. He starts to roll up his sleeves. On the left arm is all this bible stuff (no offense) written in Latin. Then he chose other latin words and some sort of cross with Latin symbols (did I mention he said grace in Latin?). He starts for the second sleeve and tells me he doesn't want me to freak out.

I start to think that he has a full bible scene depicted on his forearm with maybe some bible verses and whatnot. Instead, he has a scar in the shape of a cross, a tattoo that says "Vengeance is Mine" (in Latin of course), an interesting clown-like-marilyn-mansonesque doll head tattoo (dripping eyeliner included) and another tattoo (Latin, how did you guess?) that says something to the effect that ignorance doesn't excuse behaviour. The best part? He's a self-cutter. He deliberately cuts slashes into his arm to "feel." Excellent.

He asked if I was freaked out about that, which I wasn't, surprisingly. People do a lot of messed up things. What I'm not kosher with is that fact that after all his postulations, theories, and borderline psychotic-genius thoughts, he really is so juvenile. I'd expect one of my students to cut, not one of my dates.

Better luck in February, huh?

About Me

Stupidly self-centered for over 3 decades!